(I started this on August 26th)
Well.....It's been awhile! There are a few things that have happened this past month! We went to Lake Lure, NC to surprise Graham's parents (they were on vacation there). We left on Wednesday when Graham got home from work and we didn't make it there till midnight! Wow that was a bad night, Addie woke up when we got there and was up until 2 and then back up at 7:30. It was fun though we spent Thursday and Friday with them and came back on Saturday. Addie got to take her first trip on a boat and she loved it! There isn't much to do there so it was nice and relaxing. We also got Addie a swing to hang in the tree a couple of weeks ago and she would probably swing 24 hours a day 7 days a week if we would let her! She LOVES it.
Addie spent her first night away from me a couple of weeks ago and I am proud to announce that we both did GREAT! No tears! She spent the night with my parents because Graham was given some tickets to a party at the Walden Club and we figured we would be late getting home. Mom said she didn't cry at all, she is so good she will stay with anyone! Graham and I had a great night out, it was like old times! We had a wonderful dinner with some very interesting people (we didn't know anyone there even at our table!) and then we saw a late movie!
Let's see.............oh Addie got her first tooth! Last Wednesday we went to Walmart after church and on our way home I sat in the back with Addie. She grabbed my finger and put it in her mouth, chomped down and smiled, as to say " look! I have a tooth now!" It was so cute! She has been working on that for awhile.
Addie also started crawling at the end of August. One day Tink came and sat down in the floor and Addie got VERY excited and just got up on all fours and crawled over to her! What a smart little girl.
She is so much fun these days, she crawls around behind me during the day and laughs when she catches up. She LOVES to pull all the clothes out of the laundry basket as I'm trying to fold. Her favorite toy is any magazine she can shake and it make noise (she never even tries to eat it). And forget getting her a jungle gym she just climbs on the boppy pillow! She can do that for hours and hours! She has gotten better at eating her baby foods she likes everything BUT green beans, and who can blame her? They SMELL AWFUL! We tried to give her chicken in chicken broth baby food the other day and she threw up after the first bite! I almost threw up when I opened the durn jar! She is so wonderful, but TOTALLY keeps me busy from 8:30 to 9:00 with the exception of the nap she SOMETIMES takes from 2 to 5. I love her so much and I am just cherishing these days!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago