First of all I'm sorry its been so long! I started keeping another little girl, my laptop broke again and I've just been tired! I'll do better I promise!
So Addie turned 1 on Feb 16 and I can't believe it! We had her first birthday party on the saturday before (Valentine's Day) at Tiftonia Baptist and it was perfect! Debbie Webb made her a castle cake complete with a princess that had Blonde hair and blue eyes like Addie. It was AMAZING!
Addie had been VERy sick the whole week leading to her party. We even went to the doctor on that Wednesday and they gave her an IV! She was feeling alittle better and the fever was gone so we decided to go ahead with the party.
Addie's Great aunt Susie monogramed her two shirts, one said "Birthday Princess" and the other said "Princess Addie". She also had a Tu-Tu, Pink tights, and Pink Shimmery shoes to wear. Completing the Princess had a Crown, jewels, and a wand! She was Beautiful! ( I can't find a picture of her along with her crown on so this will do)
She was OVER opening presents almost as soon as it started. She thought all the giftbags were purses and kept grabbing them and walking away :)
Like I said Addie wasn't feeling her best so the cake eating wasn't as bad as it probably would have been if she was 100 %.
Mommy and her Princess! (I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE IS ONE!)
Daddy and His little Princess!