Here are some pics from Easter and our church egg hunt the day before................. Addie's Easter Dress
I haven't posted the whole month of April, wow! We have been very busy. It seems like we have had something to do EVERy weekend!
Addie had a BLAST this Easter she LOVED hunting eggs, and getting all the Easter baskets (seriously, the child got like 4!) Here is a picture of all her stuff.............................
The week after Easter I got my birthday and Mother's day present from Graham...................................

A Cannon Digital SLR camera! I am SO excited! I have been taking pictures like crazy of Addie, afterall she is such a perfect subject! I have begged Graham for one since we got married so he FINALLY gave in. And since it was a pretty expensive gift he decided to lump a few holidays together! lol. Anyways, it was the perfect gift and I LOVE it so much.
Let's see, what else has happen these past couple of weeks................Addie has gotten ALOT of time out sessions, and spankings. All the sudden she has a problem with not getting her way. She will PITCH A FIT if you take something away from her, and to tell you the truth after about the 20th fit of the day I give in because I can't take her screaming anymore..........I Know Bad MOMMIE :( I am trying to do better though! We took her to Toys-R-Us the other day to look at playground stuff and she picked up a ball and carried it around. Graham took it away from her to pay for it and she screamed bloody murder, threw herself to the ground and laid her head on the (NASTY) floor! Graham put the ball up and we left. He's so strong, if it had just been me and her I would have given it right back to her to keep her from screaming, she embarrasses so bad! I guess it is just something I have to get over :) Other than her Temper-Tantrums she is the best little girl. We are having so much fun with her these days, she is talking more, running and actually plays with you. It's a blast!
We are leaving for the beach in a week and I think she is going to LOVE it! I can't wait. My parents, Brother and Sister and her family are all going! Graham and I have always liked to vacation alone. We have gone with my family and his but we ALWAYS make time to go just us. So we are leaving a week from Tuesday at noon and we will have until Thursday afternoon just us and Addie. Please don't get me wrong, I love my families but I also like just being with Graham (and Addie). I don't want all of our vacation memories to be with everyone, I want some of my own. Anyways, here are a few pics of Addie taken by my new camera..............stay tuned for SEVERAL beach pictures of Addie and Ali (My neice)!