I pulled up my blog today and saw that the last time I posted I was 14 weeks pregnant.........WELL I now have a 5 1/2 week old son! To say the least, I'm alittle behind. So lets go way back......
I had alittle bleeding and made an appointment to go to the doctor to make sure everything with the baby was okay. We had our "big Appointment" to find out the sex that next week, but I couldn't wait that long to make sure everything was okay. So to the doctor Addie and I went. Everything seemed okay with baby but my doctor wanted to do an ultrasound anyway. As I was laying there watching the baby move on the screen, the nurse says, "your son looks great!" WHHHHHAAAATTT? Son???? I'm not having a son, I'm having a daughter! "Can you look again?" I asked. At which point she realized I didn't know the sex before then.
I felt horrible that Addie and I had found out without Graham being there, and for a second I thought maybe we should keep it to ourselves, but who was I kidding? I was bawling my eyes out. I was so scared about having a boy. I know NOTHING about boys. I had always just wanted girls and had convinced myself that's what I was going to have. I called my sister, Miranda, crying my eyes out and she laughed because she had done the same thing when she found out her second was a boy. We could not imagine loving a little boy the way we love our girls....BOY were we wrong! Our boys love us more than anything! And it's WONDERFUL having a son! He looks at me the way Addie always looked at Graham.
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago