Yeah, I know I'm sorry! I have just been SO BUSY! I feel like I have baked or cooked something extravagant everyday for the past month! I usually cook dinner every night, and a big dessert at least once a week, but WOW you wouldn't believe what has come out of my kitchen lately! Graham is getting very spoiled, I have tried several new dinner recipes. Hopefully that will slow down after next week!
Let's see, since my last post Addie has started standing pretty good on her own, played in the potty (pics to come), got two more teeth and went to see Santa. Oh yeah, our laptop crashed and that's why I am never on here. I HATE the color in our guestroom/computer room so I don't like to come in here. Over Christmas break Graham and I plan on cleaning it out and making it more of an office, I hope to get him to paint it too :) Hopefully Adam will be able to get our pictures, itunes music, videos etc off of that computer and then we can reboot it and start all over. What a mess! I recommend everyone buying an external hard drive and backing up their pictures today! You never know what is going to happen.
We put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving and Addie cried the first time she saw it. She really hasn't messed with it as much as we thought she would. Tink on the other hand..........................I'll just say she has had her fair share of spankings! Addie now has 5 teeth and she smiles alot to show them off. We took her to see Santa last Thursday and she did awesome! She never cried, she pulled his beard and she smiled for the picture........I couldn't ask for a better little girl! She is so full of life these days. She is into EVERYTHING! I used to spend my days on the couch while she played.............NOT ANYMORE! We crawl around, make tents, bake, cook, clean then NAP! Thank the Lord she naps, and I get to too!! :) We are so excited about her first Christmas, I think she will have the best time playing with the wrapping paper and bows. Hopefully she will like her presents too!
Graham has been very busy at work these past couple of weeks. He works so hard I am so proud of him. His company treats him so well because they know what an awesome, smart man they have working for them and they don't ever want to loose him. I never get to talk about how thankful and proud of him I am. But he really is the most wonderful husband and daddy! I love you!! (not that he ever reads this!)
And me................let's see........I weighed myself today and I weighed almost 40 pounds less than this time last year(I know I know I had a baby BUT I only gained 16 pounds total with Addie) so I am very proud of myself. Lately, when Addie is napping, I have really been busting my B*** in the kitchen and I love every bit of it! I have always liked cooking but it is slowly becoming a passion. And it really should, see Graham and I have a new dream of moving to Wyoming. He wants a ranch and I want a Bed and Breakfast. This is our "when we retire" dream. If you have never been out to the Jackson Hole, Yellowstone part of the country you should pack your bags and go now. Well......wait till we have our B & B and you can stay with us! It really is a beautiful place! I sit around and draw up house plans for when we are ready to move :) I know.......weirdo! Well I am off to make me and Addie poodle skirts for a party Saturday. I will post some Xmas pics as soon as I can get them off the computer! Have a MERRY Christmas..........I'm betting I don't have another chance to post before then!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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