May has been a VERY busy month for us! We started out by going to the beach for a few days with my family. This was Addie's first beach trip and she LOVED it to say the least. After a LONG car ride we arrived in Gulf Shores at about 7 on tuesday evening. After checking in, unloading all our Crap ( I pack entirely too much!), and letting Addie run off some energy in the condo we headed down to the beach to show Addie the ocean for the first time. By the time we got down there it was dark and Addie was very very tired so when Graham tried to put her down in the sand she screamed bloody murder. After a few seconds of that we took her back to the condo, I didn't want to tramatize her just yet :) That night, after a quick trip to walmart on my part and alittle school on Graham's part (did I mention he is working on his MBA online??) we sat on the balcony, had a glass of wine and relaxed! It was perfect! This is my FAV thing to do at the beach :)
The next day went alot better, after breakfast, alot of suntan lotion, and alot of packing we headed to the beach for a second time. She LOVED it! She screamed really loud when we put her down in the sand, she was very excited. She ran straight for the ocean! That was it, my baby girl was HOOKED on the beach! She played in the sand, sat at the ocean and let it splash on her (even her face!) and just hung out. She was a perfect angel.
We got there on Tuesday evening then Thursday around lunch Miranda, Ali, My mom and dad, and Cale came down. Then Friday Manny( Miranda's husband) was able to come down. It was very nice to have a few days just me, Graham and Addie. We (Graham and I) have always cherished our vacations alone, don't get me wrong we Love our families, but we like making our own memories that don't include everyone. Anyways, our days were filled with eating (on Addie and Ali's part), building sand castles, playing in the ocean (only Addie, Ali was alitte scared), swimming, and napping ofcourse! We had a blast, we haven't all been on vacation together in a long time and let me tell you it sure was alot easier having my mom and dad there to help with Addie. Kids on vacation is HARD, fun but hard.
Here are a few pics from the beach:

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