Welcome to our crazy life!


Tag, your it!

My great friend. from seriously like birth, has tagged me in a question thingy! Thanks http://theappleberrys.blogspot.com! The Rules: List 10 things that make you happy

1. God. Just his presence in my life lately has been WONDERFUL!

2. My AWESOME family. I don't know what in the world I would do without them.

3. Addie and her dance moves. We have NO idea where she gets it, because Graham and I CANNOT I repeat CANNOT dance. Addie on the other hand is pretty good :)

4. A good dark stormy day, at home with Addie building tents, and reading books (just like my mom did with me when I was young).

5. A new trial run in the kitchen with whatever craziness I can come up with....and it actually be good!

6. A Mommie Addie day! Doing all things girlie. Yes we have only had a few of these but as she gets older we will have more and do more girlie things like Mani's and pedi's instead of just the discovery museum.

7. A date with my hubby..............even it that means laying on the couch watching a movie!

8. Makeup...........allllllllll kinds! They make me extremely tooooo excited!

9. When my sister, Manny and Ali come to TN!

10. Every afternoon sometime between 3:30 and 5 when my mommy calls to see how my day went and tell me about hers. She is SOOO my best Friend!!

I tag whoever wants to do it~! Yeah I am lazy!


The most important decision of the day (for a 2year old)

Everynight, Addie picks up her toys (well out of the living room atleast), puts on her PJ's, takes her Zyrtec, Brushes her teeth and then picks out a story.

Incase you didn't know, It is a VERY VERY important decision to pick out a bedtime story. Sometimes Addie spends 15 minutes looking for the PERFECT book.

She reads a few pages of some of them to see if it is "The One"

And when it isn't, she puts it back and goes for another one.

Finally, she picks one...............Or three.

And these are ALWAYS the ones she picks. Well......you have to throw in The little engine that could, too.
My child has hundreds of books, most of which we have yet to read because she ALWAYS chooses these. I for the LIFE of me cannot understand why kids LOVE Goodnight Moon? I HATE this book, but my Addiebelle LOVES it! My favorite on the other hand is How high is the sky. It is an Usborne book and was the reason I fell inlove with these books enough to become a consultant! If you have never heard of Usborne books please contact me, after one look you will LOVE them!


Give away!

Oh my word!! I have been searching for so many cute things for Addie's birthday and I have fallen INLOVE with http://tomkatstudio.blogspot.com/! She makes some AMAZING things!
If you head over to her blog right now you can enter to win an adorable crown for your little Prince or Princess made by this WOnderful lady http://www.etsy.com/shop/TrueLoveFound !
I HOPE I win one but if I don't I see Addie STILL getting one of these cute cute cute Crowns for her special day :)