My great friend. from seriously like birth, has tagged me in a question thingy! Thanks! The Rules: List 10 things that make you happy
1. God. Just his presence in my life lately has been WONDERFUL!
2. My AWESOME family. I don't know what in the world I would do without them.
3. Addie and her dance moves. We have NO idea where she gets it, because Graham and I CANNOT I repeat CANNOT dance. Addie on the other hand is pretty good :)
4. A good dark stormy day, at home with Addie building tents, and reading books (just like my mom did with me when I was young).
5. A new trial run in the kitchen with whatever craziness I can come up with....and it actually be good!
6. A Mommie Addie day! Doing all things girlie. Yes we have only had a few of these but as she gets older we will have more and do more girlie things like Mani's and pedi's instead of just the discovery museum.
7. A date with my hubby..............even it that means laying on the couch watching a movie!
8. Makeup...........allllllllll kinds! They make me extremely tooooo excited!
9. When my sister, Manny and Ali come to TN!
10. Every afternoon sometime between 3:30 and 5 when my mommy calls to see how my day went and tell me about hers. She is SOOO my best Friend!!
I tag whoever wants to do it~! Yeah I am lazy!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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