- GRAHAM HAS FINISHED HIS MBA!!! I cannot begin to tell you how proud of him I am. He worked so hard from last January till last night........with no breaks. Every week straight he had something due. He is a trooper!
-We FINALLY bought a camper last week. It pays off to wait and look, we have been looking since the fall and REALLY looking since Dec. FINALLY we found exactly what we wanted at a price we wanted.
-Addie is the funniest child these days! Tuesday night I was changing her diaper at my mom's and Cale (my brother) came up the stairs to where we were. Addie looked over at him and said, "Hey Cale, come look at this turd!" I have never laughed so hard!
-My very sweet friend in CA who has been on hospital bedrest for alittle over a month gave birth to her little girl Reagan Grace Friday. She was with them for 4 hours then went to Heaven. She was very early and had a few other things going on. I have prayed and cried and prayed and cried for her. Lauren is the sweetest, strongest woman I have ever known. Please keep the Straub family in your Prayers.
-Yesterday we attended church at LVBC to see Lauren and Mack dedicated their lives to helping Weston be a strong Christian man. It was a very sweet program, and we were honored to be there :)
-I have been THROW away queen lately! I am getting ready for a yard sale in May and I AM GETTING RID OF ALL THE CRAP IN OUR HOUSE :)
-Graham will get tonight off, but tomorrow evening HE WILL be sanding the wall so I can paint the living room and kitchen. Its been 9 months already!!
-I am going to go finish my coffee in peace before Addie gets up and Ellie gets here. Have a nice week everyone!!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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