I stress myself out because I feel I need to be perfect all the time. Since I am blessed with being a stay at home mom I think the house should ALWAYS be spotless, a good well-balanced meal should always be on the table at 5:30, the Laundry always done, etc. Lately I have felt Tired, cranky and mad at everyone, and today my wonderful mommy explained it to me. She helped me realize that I put TOO much on myself. I try to do EVERYTHING and Perfectly.
I always thought the "Perfect Mommy" would be able to balance everything perfectly. That she would always look perfect, and have all her marbles in a row. WELL That isn't me! Today I realized that to me the "Prefect Mommy" is the one who laid on blankets in the yard and looked at the shapes in clouds for hours. The one who read 1000s of books in a single day because that is what her child wants. The woman who builds tents covering the entire living room and leaving it that way for days because it was raining outside. If you haven't figured this out my mom was and is the perfect mom. She did all this. Our house was clean but almost always messy, but she didn't care. We always ate healthy meals but they werent always on the table at 5:30 and sometimes it was one meat and veggie. We lived. She was the one who took us to the pool (about 20 mins away), she took us to the library for story time, she took us on Special trips to parks. This is what I want to be. Mom once said, " if your house is clean at the end of the day, you probably weren't the best mommie that day." Don't get me wrong I think I should clean. But it should be more of picking up in the evening and once a week really cleaning. Other than that just let it go. I have 2 two-year-olds running around for goodness sake. Addie will not be this age forever and I am missing out on things because I am being selffish and doing things I "think" I need to do. Addie could careless if the house is spotless, and she would MUCH rather have hotdogs for dinner every now and then.
So today I decided that is the mommie I want and am going to be. I am going to let things go and play with Addie (and Ellie). They are going to remember me as a fun mom who got dirty in the yard with them, finger painted, played babies, swam and do anything we can come up with!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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