Since November my blood pressure had been on the high side so I was seeing Dr. Briery a high-risk OB. In January I went for a routine monthly appointment, everything seemed to be going okay until they started the ultrasound. The tech had a bad look on her face and she said my Amniotic fluid was low. THANK GOODNESS mom was with me, those 5 minutes that it took for the doctor to get in there seemed like forever. I was already crying when he stepped in. He told me to calm down and he started doing an ultrasound. He explained that it wasn't too low but it was something they would have to start watching every week. He said my goal is to get to 38 weeks. Then he asked if I was still working, when I said yes, he said that totday is my last day. I was so upset, I wasn't ready to leave work, I did not want to lay in bed for the next 5 weeks. He said that I could get up and do LIGHT housework, but I couldn't be on my feet more than 30 minutes at a time. I walked to the parking garage to break the news to Graham, I was so scared it was going to stress him to figure out how to make all of our payments. But he was wonderful, he totally agreed with the doctor and was actually happy he had told me to go to bed (Graham always thought I was doing too much). So home I went, to lay around. Man did that SUCK! There are only so many movies you can watch! Everytime Graham came home and I was up doing something he would get mad at me and take over so I would lay down. I was losing my mind! It got to where when he got home at night we would just go ride around ( I wasn't supposed to be driving much either, I had to stay calm so my blood pressure would stay down). It's one thing if you can just stay at home and clean and do things, it's another if you feel great and you aren't allowed to do anything.
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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