We had several trips to the beach last year, we went alone to Gulf Shores, then with my family back to Gulf Shores and with Graham's family to New Smyrna Beach . We had a great summer! Then on July 1, 2007, it was a Sunday, on our weekly trip to Walmart I bought a pregnancy test. This was a monthly thing, I always thought I was preggers, but earlier that day my dad had made a comment that got me wondering. So after we got home and got the groceries put up I went and took the test (Graham didn't even catch that I bought one). I remember looking at it and only seeing one line, Okay I thought, it wasn't like we were trying or anything. But......as I was walking out of the bathroom I went to throw it away and I saw 2 FAINT LINES! My stomach was totally in my throat! I went in the living room and turned the TV off and said, "Graham, we have to talk," he was scared he thought something was wrong with me. So I took his hand and walked him into the bathroom where I feel to my knees, "look on the counter" I said. He took the test and was like I don't think that is really true......... after arguing a few minutes about if it was true or not, it hit us. WE WERE PREGNANT! I smiled at first, then all the emotions hit me (if you have children you understand, if you don't you will totally get it when you do get pregnant), I was happy, scared, excited, worried, every emotion you can think of. I sat on the couch with the test for about an hour crying. I was happy and sad. For a few minutes I thought my life was over, then I realized it had just begun. The next morning I called Miranda and told her the news, she couldn't believe it. Then I called Heather, she was totally shocked too! Every morning that week Graham made me get up before he went to work and take another test, and every test was more positive. By Thursday I couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer so we had our parents over to eat dinner. We had gotten two picture frames and put baby stickers all over them and in the part where the picture goes we put a post-it that said "Picture coming March 2008". After dinner we gave my mom and Dottie the bags, as they opened them neither one of them got it. It took a few minutes of looking at it before they started crying. They were so excited! We made them be quiet until we had our first ultrasound in August, it was so hard for them.
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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