Today Addie had her first cooking lesson! She was VERY upset that I was in the kitchen cooking and not holding her so I brought her into the kitchen and sat her in her boppy chair. She talked to me the whole time as if she was telling me I wasn't doing it right. I gave her a wooden spoon and she was in heaven. Just this week she has started grasping things in her hands. She is doing pretty good with it. So she played with the spoon and I helped her stir the cake mix. She laughed and smiled and loved it. I guess we have a little Baker or Chef in the family now! I LOVE to cook and I hope that is something I can share with her and my other children when they come along. I remember being little and helping my mom cook, every time she would let me do alittle more and I loved it so much. Every Christmas as far back as I can remember (even when Cale was crazy and we had to stop every second to turn on the rump a bump bump song) we ALWAYS made Christmas cookies. It was the best day of the year (even when we were teenagers and "acted" like we didn't like it, we always did). She would wake us up blasting Christmas music (she has every Christmas CD ever made) and we would put on our aprons (even now we try to wear the aprons we did when we were 3) and we would make the biggest mess ever! But mom never cared, I guess she knew we would all cherish these wonderful memories. That is one thing she taught us, sometimes your house can be a wreck and you shouldn't care because it is MORE important to spend time with your babies making more of a mess than having a clean house. She was such a wonderful mom and I love you so much for that! WOW now that I am crying and Graham is looking at me like I'm crazy (he doesn't know what I am doing), I'm gonna go to bed. Just remember to cherish the moment you are in because we are not promised the next. Spend time sitting on the porch talking with your husband (or wife), and play with your kids EVERY time they ask you to and even when they don't. These are the things that will shape the person you are and the people around you. Take care and God bless!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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