Tomorrow will be Graham's first Father's day! I think I am more excited than he is. I love that we have one whole day to tell him how much we love and appreciate him. Graham is a wonderful husband. He has always done everything he can to make me happy. He has always helped me clean the house, cook and take care of errands. He is so good with me about things that I am SURE he will freak out about. Like when I wrecked the Honda the other day, it really wasn't that bad but I was already crying when I called to tell him what happened, for sure he would yell at me. His first reaction was, 'Are you and Addie and your mom okay?'. Then he said I will be there in just a second. He has always been like that, he will leave work in a second if I need him. He wasn't mad about the car, he said that's why we have insurance. What a great guy! And when I was pregnant he took off every time I had an appointment that was important. When I found out that my blood pressure was high he went to every appointment from then on out. Most people think he is quite and not nice but he is ALWAYS there for me. Anyways, there was one appointment he couldn't go to so my mom did, it was a bad one. The high risk doctor decided that I needed to go on bed rest so we could keep Addie in my stomach alittle longer. I was so scared to call Graham and tell him that, we had planned on my working atleast 3 more weeks and then having 2 weeks worth of pay after that. He laughed when I called crying, he said not to worry that we would figure out the whole money thing and everything would be fine. I knew he was worried about it but he has a way of making me feel like everything is okay. While I was on bed rest he took care of everything. He would work all day, come home cook, clean up and do whatever else needed to be done in Addie's room. He made sure there was nothing for me to do the next day because he knew I would do it if there was something to do. And then, Addie was about 7 weeks old and I started crying one night while I was holding her. He asked what was wrong and I said I don't think I can leave her, I don't want to go back to work yet. He again laughed and said not to worry that we would be fine if I wanted to stay at home. Yeah we can only go out to eat one night a week but who has time for that with a 4 month old. Addie is our entertainment so we don't have to spend money going to movies or whatever. I was so happy. Graham is a wonderful husband and a great daddy! He comes home every night and takes Addie, he plays with her, gives her a bath and bottle and puts her to bed. She Loves playing with him! When he calls during the day and I put him on speakerphone she smiles and looks around as if 'Where is my daddy'. I know every dad is special in his own way and tomorrow is our day to show him that! I am totally a daddy's girl! My daddy was the center of my whole world for the majority of my life (sorry daddy your still in the top 3!). I always cared what his opinion was about things I did and who I dated. I remember being little and laying in his recliner with him watching Macguyver (sp??) and drinking root beer. And when I turned 21 me and him went on a trip to Las Vegas. WHAT A BIRTHDAY PRESENT! We had so much fun, he taught me how to gamble and I actually did better than him! My daddy always worked hard so that Mom could stay home with us. Sometimes he would work 2 jobs and be gone late just so we had everything we thought we needed to have. My daddy is a wonderful daddy I love him very much! Happy Father's day to you daddy! Although I think we should tell our daddy's everyday how much they mean to us, make sure you tell him tomorrow! Take care and God bless!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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