Her bug bump was so big she couldn't sit in her carseat very well. We were tightening straps all night!
With the pumpkin!
Mommie and her sweet little ladybug!
A back shot!
She Looks SO GROWN UP here! (tear)
I NEVER get pics of her smiling or laughing so this is one of a very few.
Halloween was so much fun, well for me at least. Addie got alittle tired of getting in and out of the car seat and the fact that she only took an hour nap she wasn't the happiest baby out for Halloween. We did good though, she got alot of candy for her loving parents! lol. And look at that costume..........I MADE IT! I really wanted to make her costume but WOW some of those patterns are HARD! I finally found a how-to on ladybug costume and I used it as a guide. I think it turned out pretty good! Most people probably think I'm a weirdo, why don't I just go buy a costume and be done with it? Yeah I understand but I always remember a story my mom told me a long time ago.......
She was in like elementary school and Grannie Nell ( her mom) made ALOT of their clothes. (Grannie was so good at making things) Anyways, there was a rich girl in mom's class that made fun of her for Grannie making her clothes. One day the girl said, "Your poor and that's why your mom has to make your clothes." Mom had had enough and she said," Your just jealous that my mom loves me enough to make clothes for me." That has ALWAYS stuck with me. I make clothes, costume etc for Addie not because we can't afford to buy her things (not that we are rich but for goodness sake we could have bought her a Halloween costume) but because I love her and I do have time to put some sweat and tears into things for her. I know she doesn't care now but maybe one day she will. I know I am thankful for all the time my mom spend making us Christmas and Easter dresses etc. I love you mom!!
Addie was so cute on Halloween!
Oh yeah, Brad keeps calling her Abbie! LOL!
Aww...she looked so cute! I wish we lived near ya'll so we could've seen her! She is so precious!
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