I swear, I have 3 kids! I know you are thinking...........WHAT? when did you get two more? Well, as soon as Addie was born I became a mommie, and I LOVE IT! Then as Addie has gotten older I totally understand what my poor mother had to go through. I am CONSTANTLY picking up after her ( I know she is only 8 1/2 months old) but still, does she HAVE to pull out EVERy blame toy in the house??? Anyways, I don't mind that as much because she doesn't know better and hey, it's my job now. But my 25 year old husband is worse than my 8 1/2 month old daughter! It's as if he just suddenly can't take care of himself anymore. He is CONSTANTLY leaving glasses out (which Tink knocks over but I will get to that later), the paper spread everywhere, mail from MONTHS ago laying everywhere, and for the life of me I cannot figure out what in the world he does in his bathroom to make it so dirty! Lately he has had a BAD habit of asking me where something is, lets say socks, and I ask if he looked (where socks have been for 2 years now) and he says yes. So I go look and they miraculously have appeared in the sock drawer! Wow! He does this with EVERYTHING, especially with Addie stuff like bibs, blankets, clothes, all the stuff we use Every day and is always in the same spot! I really don't think he would make it if it wasn't for me. Finally, there is Tink, my kitty who insist on knocking over every blame cup Graham leaves out. She never knocks mine over just his, as if she trying to get him in trouble. Also Addie is in love with Tink, she thinks the "kitty" as she calls her is SO COOL. The only problem is Addie is bigger now so when she tries to pet Tink, Tink thinks she wants to play and swats at her. So now my days are filled with picking up all of Addie's toys, playing with her, picking up all of Graham's crap he leaves everywhere, preforming miracles for him (haha, Just kidding), and trying to keep Tink away from Addie. No wonder I am beat by 9:00 every evening! Don't get me wrong, I love my family with my entire self, they just drive me crazy sometimes. Come on You understand!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
Oh, I understand because I am married to a 5 year old! It seriously feels that way. Momma raises them the first 25 years and we raise them the next!
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