Sunday Morning, 9:15 a.m.:
Addie goes from playing in her bed (while I shower) to SCREAMING bloody murder. Graham and I RUN in her room only to find her standing in her crib still screaming. Graham walks closer to her and says, "Brandy something is Wrong??" As I get to Addie I see her bare bottom, a half opened diaper laying beside her pj pants, inside her diaper, what else but POOP! It is also smeared on her bed. Graham grabs her and puts her on her changing table as I grab wipes to clean her bottom. As I look closely at her I notice there is poop smeared on her face too! OH MY WORD!
How in the world will we make it to church by 10:00????? (by the grace of GOD)
So that's how we started our morning! Fun huh?? Long story short she had to take ANOTHER bath before church (she got one Saturday night before bed).
Graham and I have laughed about this all day! I can't wait to tell her husband this story one day! Too funny!
Later Sunday night Addie and I were playing while Graham worked on school. Addie brought me her pink sunday shoes and said, "on?" I asked if she wanted to me to put them on and she shook her head yes (which she just started doing this week and it is so CUTE! I'll post a video soon). Later she was pulling stuff out of her closet and pulled a princess dress-up outfit out and again brought it to me and said, "On?" Needless to say, Addie and I played dress up and here is a pick of the result! My Beautiful little princess:
Check out that Beautiful Hair!

She had a blast, We even went to
Gingy's to show her Addie's pretty outfit! She cried when I took it off to put her pj's on!
One last short story. The other day I told Graham to put Addie's shoes on and bring her outside, this is what I see when they get outside:
Yes, They are on the wrong feet! You would think a 25 year old, Engineer who is working on his MBA could put the correct shoes on the correct feet!
FYI: Graham got Addie ready to go to a Bridal shower with me on Saturday, when I was getting Addie out of the car I realized that Graham had put her sweater on upside-down! REALLY COME ON DUDE!