Graham started school to get his MBA at the end of January. He is going to school online so he works on it every night from about 8 till 10 or 11........which means, I put Addie to bed. Which is a BIG change because for the first 11 months of Addie's life, Graham did the whole Bath, Bottle, Teeth Brushed and Bed thing.
I love it though. It's nice to have time just me and my baby. We start with a bath at 8:30ish then we have milk (in a cup now woo hoo!), brush our teeth, Tell Daddy goodnight, Read a story (BLAME There's a Mouse about the house......another post), say our prayers and then I sing her ONE song ( she is still awake when I lay her down I just love to sing to her!). Last night we went through everything and it was time for our prayers. Addie clasped her hands together, looked up at me and smiled. As the tears ran down my face we said a prayer for our family, Aunt Meghan and her baby and Aunt Lauren and her baby. Addie always giggles at the end when I say and In Jesus Name...Amen. That is the most precious thing, to get to pray with my daughter everynight, and the fact that she seems to be starting to understand that she should be still and quiet. I just LOVE it!
I think it is very important to talk about God and to God from a young age. We have probably been saying prayers with Addie since she was 3 or 4 months old. I hope that this will become a natural thing to her and she will ALWAYS look to our Father for help when she needs it. And to be able to just talk to him and tell him how her day is going!
Okay so I started this post several days ago and I am just now getting time to finish and post it. You ask, Why? Because we have been dealing with an AWFUL ear infection in both of Addie's ears!
It all started two weeks ago when Addie got alittle cold, no big deal we pulled out the Zyrtec and it 'seemed' to clear it up. By that Saturday she was ALOT better so we went to Coolige park and I took her one year pics (I really wanted some outside, and after looking at how much it can cost to do an onlocation photo shoot I decided I could just do it! And I think I did a pretty good job!) She had a blast that day and was feeling pretty good that whole week.....until Thursday night. Oh my she was up ALL night long! Friday she spent the day watching Ellie play from my lap, this is when I should have known something was wrong! She actually slept all night Friday night and Saturday was when she started getting REALLY bad. She had a fever ranging from 100.9 to 102.8 with Motrin and Tylenol alternated every 3 hours. She was up every 2 to 3 hours that night and we REALLY thought it was just her back teeth coming in. By Sunday her fever was staying around 102 and she felt horrible so we called the doc. By the grace of God her doctors were on call this weekend and they had an opening at 11:30. The doc came right in and said, "Yep, that's a bad ear both ears!" It was so bad she couldn't give her Amoxicillin (really dont know how to spell that????) and she had to give her another stronger Antibiotic. The catch......she can only have it once a day and it would take a good 36 to 48 hours to start working! AHHHH! Sunday, Sunday night, and Monday were a blurrrrrrrrrr! We spent our time giving meds, taking clothes off (to get fever down), giving baths (to get fever down), rocking, singing, reading books, and switching Addie from my lap to Graham's (thank goodness he is home all week!). It was a LONG 48 hours! Addie started feeling alittle better last night and was alittle more better today! Hopefully Tomorrow she will be 80 or 90 % better!
All I can say is
I hope ya'll have a good week!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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