Graham is my bestest friend and I feel so lucky to have him in my life. He works so hard to give me the ability to stay at home with Addie. It is the best gift he could EVER give me and I thank God for him everyday. Graham is a wonderful daddy, I LOVE to watch him play with Addie, I can't wait till she gets older and makes him play dress up :) You are the best husband in the world and I love you very very much!

My sweet Addiebelle, you are so full of life and you remind me everyday why I was put on this Earth. I absolutely Love being your mommie, even this past week when you were so sick! I love that you just want me when you are sick, I know it won't be that way forever so I suck it all up now! You are the most beautiful little girl in the world. I can only wait to watch you grow into a young woman someday. Your personality shines through already, you have a spunky, loving way about you. Everyone that knows you, loves you! I am so excited for the times we will have as you grow up! I love you baby and I'm so glad you picked me to be your mommie!
My mommy is the best mommy ever, she is ALWAYS around and willing to help me when I need a break from a screaming, sick child. She is always there to listen to me when I'm being crazy because of hormone overloads (another story), or to play with my daughter so I can clean my horrible house, and just to ride out to the mall with me even though neither of us have any money whats-so-ever to spend. She understands that I just need to get away and talk sometimes, she listens intently and responds with the wisdom only a mother can possess. I am so blessed to have her, she really is my best friend!

Then God has blessed me with my personal nurse, I mean sister. I don't know what we would have done the first year (and even now) of Addie's life without Miranda. Well I do........we would have probably been dropped from our Pediatrician for calling too much (LOL). We have called Miranda at all hours to ask questions, some stupid some life threatening. She has NEVEr acted like my questions about how much Addie was eating, or that she hasn't pooped, or anything else were stupid. It is so nice to be able to call her about everything and she always has an answer, if she doesn't she finds the answer for me. Miranda is more than my personal nurse, she is also a best friend. Years ago you would find us fighting about clothes, shoes etc, but those times have just made us stronger sisters and friends. Miranda was there for me when I smoked the first time, she held my hand and Made me tell my parents. She cracked jokes when my mom felt like she was a failure, after all it was just smoking there are worse things I could have done. As my parents drove away from Faulkner with me standing on the lawn of my dorm I felt relief and a small sense of home knowing Randa was just 2 minutes down the road, and that is exactly where I went when I was feeling homesick. She has always been there for me, when I was having problems with my friends, or boyfriends she was always there to listen to me and tell me it wasn't the end of the world. Turns out she was right! I love you Randa and I thank God everyday for letting me have such a wonderful role model! Your the best sister!

I thank God for my daddy. I have always been such a daddy's girl. He means so much to me, growing up he did everything he could so my mom could stay at home with us. He worked long hours so we could have everything that we "thought" we needed. My daddy was always there to scare off boys that hurt my feelings, you know who you are! He was there to make sure Graham was going to take care of me the way he had all these years. I shared so much with my daddy growing up and I find myself being more like him everyday. I do have to share one memory of him..... as my daddy walked me down the aisle he pooted the whole time! He said he was trying to make me laugh instead of worked! I love you Daddy your the best!

And finally is my sweet Cale. He is such and inspiration to everyone he has ever met. Cale has taught me so many things but most importantly to believe in yourself and with God anything is possible. He has the biggest heart and really does care about everyone. Cale is a great brother we have grown alot closer over the past few years and I love to spend time with him. Cale you really are awesome I love you!

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