You know how couple get divorces when they build a house together........................well Graham and I may get a divorce just trying to MINIMALLY redo the kitchen! HE IS HORRIBLE TO WORK WITH!
Here is how our evening went.......
Graham calls and says lets run out to Lowe's and get a REAL estimate on the cost of the counter tops, paint, hardware, lighting, range hood, and sink. Although I was in the middle of getting estimates on a new roof, getting Ellie home, taking Addie from my mom's house (we went swimming and she took a nap there) to Dottie's house and running down to the church to meet the fence guy (we are putting in a fence to keep the little kids in one place) I managed to get it all done, jump in the shower and be ready to go when he got home (I had about half an hour!). We get to Lowe's, find the sample of counter tops we want and proceed to find someone to help us with the estimate. After pressing the call button and waiting AWHILE a guy comes up and says that the counter top guys leave at 6 and won't be back till 10 a.m. tomorrow. Now if you know Graham you know he is pretty quiet, and generally a nice guy to everyone.........well not tonight, he got mad, proceeded to tell the guy that it was STUPID for the store to be opened till 9 and not have anyone there to help. He said that he works all day so that he can afford counter tops and he couldn't be back at 10 in the morning. He then turned around and walked away while saying VERY LOUDLY, " I will NEVER buy anything from Lowe's again!" Needless to say, I was Embarrassed.
We went over to Home Depot, found the same counter tops and sat down with the guy to get some prices. Everything went smoothly until we walked over to look at sinks and facets. I just want a basic white sink, after seeing prices of the nice pretty granite sinks Graham agreed to the one I picked. He then walked to the facets, oh my! We had talked before and decided to use the same facet we have because it is really nice and was new when we bought the house. Apparently he didn't remember this. So he tells me to pick one, I say IF we are going to spend money to buy a new one when ours is FINE then this is what I was like $250. If I am buying a new one, then I am getting a nice black one to go with every other accent in our kitchen. We stand in the isle at Home Depot and fight for 15 minutes about buying a facet or not! AHHHHH!
After a few minutes I walk over to the range hoods, bad idea. I find a NICE one on sale and say what about this? He says there must be something wrong with it since it is on sale like that......OKAY then FIND ONE! We argue YET AGAIN about what looks good and what doesn't. Somehow we end up by the microwaves that vents in them....the ones that go over the stove. Well, the range hood that HE likes is like $198 and a decent microwave vent thing is $220. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULDN'T YOU JUST BUY THE MICROWAVE?????? I'll tell you, because GRAHAM doesn't like microwaves over the stove, and GRAHAM is the MOST important person in this house, and you know it matters to him so much because he is the one that has NO counter space while cooking and it would be so nice to get our current microwave off the counter! Double ARRHHHHH!!
To sum up the whole evening, I am so upset with my CRAZY husband that I am about to go to bed, and I very well could lock the door. We said two words to each other since we have left Home Depot and I'm sure my blood pressure is through the roof! I can NOT imagine building a house with this man, we would NEVER EVER EVER make it! Thanks for listening and letting me vent! I love Graham very much but my goodness some things need to be left to me to decide!

Oh Yeah we changed our counter top color/texture to this color. It has a texture to it! It is alot prettier!
stay away from SLOW's they mess with you every time. We brought some lumber not too long ago against mine and Brad's better judgement from SLOW's but dad was the one footing the bill, he just wanted us to go get it. The worthless help took about 30 minutes or more to get to us, flirted with the cashier then did a half &*@ job of loading the materials. Well guess what? We got in front of Home Depot and lost the load! It almost caused a 5 car pile up and can we say embarrassing at the least! There was a truck about 3 cars behind us and he went around pulled into the Home Depot Parking Lot and ran down to help us! Guess what he was a HD employee! Now, how embarrassing was that? He helped load us back up and was so sweet & helpful I called his boss and let him know what great people they had and that from now on now matter who was footing the bill we'd be shopping @ HD! They match adds and take Slow's Coupons, so take your business elsewhere! Help your are talking to hubby now but I know what you mean, we've completed the guest bathroom and ended up calling a contractor in on Michael's room. Too much drama, and fighting and not enough time!
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