I LOVE SUMMER because:
I can take the girls OUTSIDE to play
I get to have a tan
The Beach
The pool
My mommy is off from work (she is a teacher) and I get to hang out with her alot!
I love the smell of fresh cut grass
I LOVE playing outside in the evenings and..
this year has been the first year Addie is actually fun to play with outside.
Last year we would go outside for alittle while here and there but she couldn't run and play. Now she is everywhere, doing everything (even stuff she isn't supposed to do) and basically into EVERYTHING! But I LOVE IT!
Today, I took the girls to my mom's at about 11 to go swimming. I take Ellie an mom takes Addie in their floats and we play play play! It is a blast. We swim for an hour or so and that's about all the girls can take. So they have lunch and lay down for a nap. This is my fav part..........me and mom just layout in the pool catching up, remembering the past and laughing ALOT! It's even more fun with Cale is there. I Really do have the BEST brother ever! I love these times and know I will cherish them forever!
When Graham got home and was almost finished with cutting the grass Addie and I came home and we all played in the yard the rest of the evening. I know I will remember nights like this for the rest of my life. Tonight was the best just watching Addie and Graham run around in the yard, I can't imagine life being any better than it is right now in this moment. Don't get me wrong, I hope we will have more children and I am sure I will think those are the best days but for now, these are the best days (haha)! Well I hope everyone is having a great start to the summer!!
Forgive me I don't have any pics from today/tonight but here are some I took at the park last Saturday:

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