I don't want to go through moving my writing at the bottom to the top, so sorry! Here are pics of Addie's Milk and Cookies 2nd Birthday party, in no order! 

Addie's favorite book is "If you give a Mouse a Cookie"! She loves it! She CRACKS up everytime we turn the page. One day we were reading it and I thought........wow what a great party idea! So I started brainstorming. I am very big on making Birthdays, Christmas and Halloween BIG DEALS. I have made Addie's costumes for Halloween both years, I went ALL out doing everything but the cake for Addie's first birthday party (and almost killed myself,lol) and Christmas........well, I did WAYY too much (we are going to do better this year). I love to bake so I decided I would make all the cookies, I would milk all the cows..........jk, and get my mom (the BEST story teller in history) to read the book. Then I decided since Addie LOVES her "Jammies" so much, she pretty much wears hers all day, we would do it as a "Bedtime Snack" and have everyone wear their PJ's! It was very cute to see all the kids in their PJ's!
All week I had planned on spending the entire day Friday making cookies........welp Friday morning Addie still wasn't feeling well so we went to the doctor. She had a sinus infection and he started her on some meds. That took half the blame day! I started baking around 11 am and pulled my last cookies out of the oven at 11 pm! I baked over 230 cookies, 9 different kinds! Addie sampled all of them, and she would have helped bake them but I couldn't let her spread germs around :)
Weeks before the party I gathered glass containers, some I already had, some I bought, some I borrowed, and decorated them with scrapbook paper and ribbons. I think they turned out really cute!
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