Welcome to our crazy life!


When You don't think you are getting through....

Addie and Graham were playing in the yard tonight while I walked/ran. Graham was throwing a ball against the house (I know he is so a child, lol), and he looked over at Addie who was standing on the top of her slide. Addie was standing on her slide with her head down, hands clasped saying, "God, them mumbled something, then Amen".
We try very hard to remember to talk to God everyday. We try to teach Addie to have an open relationship with God. To be so comfortable with him that she can talk to him about anything and everything. But to be honest, we forget! I know it's horrible but sometimes I lay down in bed at night and realize we forgot our prayers (with Addie), or we get done with dinner and I remember to pray then. But when Graham told me she was standing on her slide praying...........I felt like Maybe, just Maybe we were getting through. Maybe she was developing a relationship with God!


New giveaway!

There is a new giveaway over at TomKat Studios for a CUTE CUTE CUTE tutu!

Here is the link!!


Go enter to win one for you sweet little princess!!


Alot of nothing :)

So I have been a BIG reusable grocery bag lady! For Christmas my sister got me this AMAZING HUGE bag with and H on it for shopping! Its HUGE and it holds up to 40lbs! I LOVE IT! I need more. Problem is it was a $30 bag! So After carefully looking it over and the fact that I just got a new sewing machine I have decided to make another one on my own.

Today, I was looking on Etsy and came across these little wonders

What a SMART idea! So I will be heading back to the store to find some sort of mesh material to attempt these little babies also! I JUST love it!

I am SOOO ready for Spring! I am ready to go to the park everyday...play outside....wear flip flops without anyone looking at me crazy (I've been known to wear them when it is snowing)...DRESSES....and it also is very nice to walk and run when the weather isn't 30 degrees (which BTW I have done really good with! I ran father last night than I have since high school!)! I can't wait to head over to Linda's tomorrow and get some fresh veggies for dinner! I really wish someone would come to my house and set up a garden for me! I would SOO do it except for the initial work involved! Maybe I will start with a very small one this year and add to it.

Yesterday, I went through every room in my house and made a list of what we needed to do/buy for that room. Needless to say, Graham was so excited when he got home and saw the massive list that was going to cost him......ooooooooo.....probably $10000 inside and outside (we need to cut a backdoor and build a deck. Oh and buy a hot tub for said deck :))

I am going to lay down and enjoy a few more minutes of quiet before Addie gets up! Have a Wonderful DAY!!



I have ALWAYS wanted to be a runner. I wanted to look like runner, and I wanted to just be able to go run several miles just for the fun of it. BUT I HATE running, with a passion..........Well I THOUGHT I hated running. Yesterday afternoon I was talking to Miranda (my sister) and she was telling me about couch to 5k program and how she really liked it. It's a 9 week program and is supposed to take even the most out of shape people and make them runners in 9 weeks. HAHA I thought....but after reading more about it (coolrunnings.com) I thought it seems doable WHY NOT?
I downloaded the App onto my IPOD, made a quick playlist and headed out. On my way to John A (the local track) I decided I needed one of those arm cuff things that holds my IPOD so I ran to walmart. By the time I got to the track I was STOLKED to say the least, I was SOOO ready to start this.

The program starts with a 5 minute walk warm up, then it dings and you run for 60 sec, walk for 90 secs. There are 8 run/walk sessions. After section number 5 I almost died....so I MADE myself get through section 6 and then just continued to walk instead of run the rest of the time. IT's HARD! But tonight I will do it again and I will go 7 times, even if it kills me.

My short term goal is to stick with this for ATLEAST 4 weeks. My long term goal.....run a 5k in the fall!
So there you have it!

My birthday is Friday and since we are going out of town that day Graham went ahead and gave me my present last night so I could play with it. He got me......................................................
MY VERY OWN SEWING MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over the years I have borrowed my moms and the last 6 to 9 months I have had Dotties (My MIL). I was SOOOO excited to have my own, and to have a new one (the only ones I have sewed on have been from like 1970)! I have been sewing addie and Ali things all day long!

Also- We took Addie to the Circus last weekend.....SHE HAD A BLAST! I will post more and pics soon!

I have to get back to my beloved machine :)


I AM GOING TO BE HEALTHY..............

even if it kills me!

Today I joined weight watchers! I am pretty excited about it, mostly because my mom started it maybe 2 months ago and looks AMAZING!! I have been doing my workouts but it just isnt melting all this blame fat off my body! So HOPEFULLY this will help! So here goes nothing!

You can join online for a free week trial of it and if you dont cancel and like it they will automatically enroll you and charge $65 to your account for 3 months. Then it is just like $17 a month after that! It seems to be pretty easy and you can even download an app on your ipod or iphone to keep track of your points!



Cookies and Milk Party

I don't want to go through moving my writing at the bottom to the top, so sorry! Here are pics of Addie's Milk and Cookies 2nd Birthday party, in no order!

Addie's favorite book is "If you give a Mouse a Cookie"! She loves it! She CRACKS up everytime we turn the page. One day we were reading it and I thought........wow what a great party idea! So I started brainstorming. I am very big on making Birthdays, Christmas and Halloween BIG DEALS. I have made Addie's costumes for Halloween both years, I went ALL out doing everything but the cake for Addie's first birthday party (and almost killed myself,lol) and Christmas........well, I did WAYY too much (we are going to do better this year). I love to bake so I decided I would make all the cookies, I would milk all the cows..........jk, and get my mom (the BEST story teller in history) to read the book. Then I decided since Addie LOVES her "Jammies" so much, she pretty much wears hers all day, we would do it as a "Bedtime Snack" and have everyone wear their PJ's! It was very cute to see all the kids in their PJ's!
All week I had planned on spending the entire day Friday making cookies........welp Friday morning Addie still wasn't feeling well so we went to the doctor. She had a sinus infection and he started her on some meds. That took half the blame day! I started baking around 11 am and pulled my last cookies out of the oven at 11 pm! I baked over 230 cookies, 9 different kinds! Addie sampled all of them, and she would have helped bake them but I couldn't let her spread germs around :)
Weeks before the party I gathered glass containers, some I already had, some I bought, some I borrowed, and decorated them with scrapbook paper and ribbons. I think they turned out really cute!