I have ALWAYS wanted to be a runner. I wanted to look like runner, and I wanted to just be able to go run several miles just for the fun of it. BUT I HATE running, with a passion..........Well I THOUGHT I hated running. Yesterday afternoon I was talking to Miranda (my sister) and she was telling me about couch to 5k program and how she really liked it. It's a 9 week program and is supposed to take even the most out of shape people and make them runners in 9 weeks. HAHA I thought....but after reading more about it (coolrunnings.com) I thought it seems doable WHY NOT?
I downloaded the App onto my IPOD, made a quick playlist and headed out. On my way to John A (the local track) I decided I needed one of those arm cuff things that holds my IPOD so I ran to walmart. By the time I got to the track I was STOLKED to say the least, I was SOOO ready to start this.
The program starts with a 5 minute walk warm up, then it dings and you run for 60 sec, walk for 90 secs. There are 8 run/walk sessions. After section number 5 I almost died....so I MADE myself get through section 6 and then just continued to walk instead of run the rest of the time. IT's HARD! But tonight I will do it again and I will go 7 times, even if it kills me.
My short term goal is to stick with this for ATLEAST 4 weeks. My long term goal.....run a 5k in the fall!
So there you have it!
My birthday is Friday and since we are going out of town that day Graham went ahead and gave me my present last night so I could play with it. He got me......................................................
MY VERY OWN SEWING MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over the years I have borrowed my moms and the last 6 to 9 months I have had Dotties (My MIL). I was SOOOO excited to have my own, and to have a new one (the only ones I have sewed on have been from like 1970)! I have been sewing addie and Ali things all day long!
Also- We took Addie to the Circus last weekend.....SHE HAD A BLAST! I will post more and pics soon!
I have to get back to my beloved machine :)
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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