I know Crazy, two posts in one day!
So Graham and I have been planning to go on a trip for our 2nd anniversary (October 14) for awhile we just couldn't decide where to go. Well last night we booked our trip to Jackson Hole, WY! I am so excited! We are flying out on Saturday the 11th and returning that Thursday. We have read alot and it says that this is the best time of the year to see wildlife. Everything is coming down from the mountains. It's alittle scary though, one word..........BEARS! Most bear attacks happen this time of year. WOW! I have no idea what to do if a bear comes at me....any ideas???? So if everyone could please keep us in your prayers that week that would be AWESOME!!
Before Addie Graham and I went on trips at least once a month. Since Addie has come along we have only been one place! Well minus 2 trips to Montgomery to see Miranda, Ali and Manny. Anyways, this trip is LONG overdue but we will miss Addie BUNCHES AND BUNCHES! She will be in good hands, she will spend Saturday through Tuesday with Gingy (my mom) and Tuesday night through Friday morning with Mi-Mi (Graham's mom). I think it is so important to make sure Graham and my marriage stays strong through these raising children years. For us that means getting away and being just us awhile. Please don't get me wrong, we LOVE Addie and LOVE being with her but we also like to revisit the before kids couple we were. Thanks to our wonderful parents being down the road we are able to go on dates and get out of town like this. THanks GUYS!! We love you!!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
If you see a bear - throw my camera at it and RUN!! I hope you two have a fabulous time! I can't wait to see pics!
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