Last Saturday we kept Tanner so Bethany and Chris could go to the Tennessee game. We had so much fun, but also learned a good lesson..............we are NOT repeat NOT ready for a second child! Tanner was GREAT, no problem at all, but wow having to worry about 2........that's alot! Addie really enjoyed having him here to play with!
I am a wife, a Mommy to a Beautiful 3 year old daughter and a Handsome baby boy, a sister, a friend, and a Christian. I love my life and thank God everyday for giving it to me. I have a horrible obsession with shoes, for me and Addie. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook and take pictures. I'm getting better at both. I love to dress up and have a date with my love but I also love to snuggle on the couch in my sweats with my family and watch Princess movies, or Barney or whatever our 2 year old wants to watch. I am a girly girl, but I also love camping, hiking, making mudpies, running through sprinklers and ofcourse NASCAR! I strive to live a Christian life and have a Christian home. We are not perfect, far from it but we try every day to do his will. Welcome to my crazy life!
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