Well, lets see........I'm sure this will take several posts to get all I want to say about this WONDERFUL part of our country but for tonight I will start with the absolutely SCARIEST thing I have ever done!
We left Chattanooga around 3 headed for Nashville. We got to the airport alot earlier than we meant to so we had to wait for our plane for about an hour and half. We finally got on the plane and headed out west. We have to connect in Minneapolis then on to Idaho Falls. We arrived in Idaho Falls at 11:00 pm MOUNTAIN TIME (that's 1:00 AM here) with SEVERAL inches of snow on the ground and pouring snow! The gate thing was messed up so we had to get off the plane on the stairs and walk inside, we were in t-shirts with no jackets (they were packed). IT WAS FREEZING! When we boarded the plane in Nashville it was 80 degrees and Idaho Falls was 23 degrees! ANYWAYS, we got our bags and waited on our rental car. After getting the rental we headed for Jackson Hole which should have been about an hour and half trip........BOY were we wrong! As we start to leave Idaho Falls we think maybe this is a bad idea but as we progress the roads get better and we quickly get onto a road that has be salted. We drive for about and hour and everything seems okay, the roads are pretty good but it was snowing very hard! We see that Jackson is 40 miles away and figure we are home free...................WRONG! We make our final turn onto Wyoming 22 or the Teton Pass and see a BLINKING sign that says Chain Law in effect. We figured we made it this far we would be fine for the 30 miles now. Mind you we are in a Chevy Malibu 2 -wheel drive! We start up A MOUNTAIN with 4 or 5 inches of snow on the road and I'm sure if it wasn't so dark we would have seen that if we slid we would have gone thousands of feet down into the unknown! I have never prayed so much. Graham was awesome, he took it very slow and didn't seem nervous at all. We slipped a few times trying to get up and when we made it to the top Graham sighed with relief. Needless to say it took us about 2 hours to go 20 miles! We FINALLY made it to our Cabin in the WEEE hours of the morning. All thanks to our AWESOME God! I'll write more about the most wonderful place on this earth later! And add some pics soon, Although, there is NO WAY to capture in a picture how BEAUTIFUL this place is! EVERYONE needs to go see it for themselves. Graham and I are going to buy a ranch out there so ya'll can just come stay with us! Talk with you soon!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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