Welcome to our crazy life!


The Dinner Club

Look at me two posts in one day! I'm getting better at this.
Saturday, when Melissa was here for my lack of Pampered Chef party she told me about a great idea! She has a friend that lives in St. Elmo, and along with a few neighbors they make dinner for each other. See she cooks on say Mondays, and makes enough for all involved and delivers it to them. Then for the next 4 nights of the work week they return the favor! That way her family is getting a good home cooked meal every night but she is only cooking one night! This is a great idea for working moms, or just busy moms that opt for Pizza or McDonald's for lack of time to make a meal. We decided this was really cool and are trying it this week. Tonight Melissa is preparing food for us and Thursday I'll be cooking. I just thought this was the BEST idea and had to share it with everyone! It's a great way to connect with your neighbors, try new recipes, and get a break from cooking every night! You should all try it!


Melissa G said...

I made a mention in the blog!!! ;) I'm very excited to be making dinner for ya'll! I'll have it there around 5:30, I hope!

Adam said...

Rachel and I had actually thought about that. We have a few close friends that live near by. It sounds great, we just never tried it.