Christmas has long been a spiritual enigma, a veritable thorn in the side of those who respect Bible authority. Certainly, there is no Biblical authority for celebrating Christmas as a religious holiday. Where the Bible is silent, we, too, must be silent if we are to be true to ourselves and to our God. (I Peter 4:11; Matthew 15:9)
There is a growing tendency in the religious world today to bind upon Christmas the traditions of men. When one refuses to accept those traditions, they are branded as peculiar, narrow-minded and legalistic. A case in point is the religious celebration of Christmas. Repeatedly we are barraged by the news media and religionists to "put Christ back in Christmas.' Frankly, Christ was never in Christmas!
Some scholars admit that they do not know the exact date of Christ's birth. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, pg 726 states "concerning the date of Christ's birth, the Gospels give no help." The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 5, pag. 642 records "The exact day and year of Christ's birth have never been satisfactorily settled." The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 6, pg. 623 concurs " certain knowledge of the day of Christ's birth existed." The Everyman's Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, pg. 641 agrees "It is, however, certain that the time now fixed (Dec. 25) could not by any possibility have been the period of Christ's birth, as December is the rainy season in Judea." The following statement is taken from Vol. 2, pg. 276 of McClintock & Strong's Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological & Ecclesiastical Literature: "The observance of Christmas is not of divine order, nor is it of New Testament order. The date of Christ's birth cannot be ascertained from the Bible or any other source."
The early Christians did not know when Christ was born, for there is no record of a special date of it being observed. In the second century, a controversy arose over the reality of the human Christ. Some Christians began celebrating a feast day on January 6 as the baptismal date of Christ to prove that Christ was only a phantom nature, that He was a divine spirit only. To counteract this false practice, other Christians began to celebrate on January 6 and later on December 25 the coming into the world of the divine spirit as a physical entry....thus Christ's birthday.
Exactly when this practice began is not known;however, " the year 354, by order of Bipshop Liberious of Rome, December 25 was adopted." (World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, pg. 1425) Other historians have assigned such dates as March 25, April 19 or 20, and May 20. Six dates out of 12 months, in which some people, some time, some where have celebrated Christmas. In all probability, December 25 is not the birthdate of Christ because shepherds were tending their flocks in the field, and this would have been close to the growing season, not winter.
The term/name Christmas is of Catholic origin. "The name is derived from the medieval Christes Masse, the Mass of Christ." (Encyclopedia Americana) The Catholics had a special "mass" (their corruption of the Lord's Supper) for Christ and so they called it "Christ-Mass." In time it was shortened to Christmas. The religious observance of Christmas is a mixture of Catholicism/Romanism, paganism and heathenism. I do not believe that the name Christmas, even though of Catholic origin, perpetuates the erros of this ecclesiasticism any more than when I use the terms Sunday, Monday, Wednesday or Saturday I am perpetuation a belief in the false gods after which they were named. These words no longer convery their exclusive earlier meanings, and thus, Christmas signifies to many of us no more than a holiday.
The use of a tree is also shrouded in oblivion. Heathens used it first. Gradually it became associated with the festivites of the "Christmas season." About the same could be said of Santa Claus or St. Nick. Present day gift-giving grew out of the custom of feeding the poor and contributing to the needy.
The emphasis of the New Testament is upon the death of Christ and the benefits we may obtain therefrom, not upon His birth. God has ordained that His people never lose sight of the appropriate celebration for the church every first day of the week...Sunday, the Lord's day; when we remember His sacrifice, His cross, His death, His burial, His triumphal resurrection to assure our salvation. (Matt. 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-20; Acts 20:7, Icor. 11:23-29) This is the Gospel and the Good News is JOY! The world must be told that Christ is not a figment of one's imagination, a ghost, a historical misnomer....HE LIVED! CHRIST LIVES TODAY!
I think it important that we notice a few facts about the birth of Christ. Christ was born of a virgin in the fulfillment of Prophecy. (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23) Christ was born in Bethlehem. (Matthew 2:1) Our saviour was born in a manger. (Greek "Phathan" ..English "Crib" , Luke 2:7) Christ was named by God: Emmanuel, Jesus, Saviour, Christ the Lord. (Matt. 1:21-23; Luke 2:11) Shepherds were in the field at night. Angels sang to them and they came and saw Jesus. (Luke 2:8-18) Wise men came from the East (bringing gold, frankincense and myrrh) to worship the King of the Jews. (Matt. 2:1-11) It is noteworthy that the wise men did not see Christ in the manger, but in a house. (Matt. 2:11)
God did not leave us to guess what we are to do in worship. The Bible clearly indicated how and what Christians are to worship. "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:23-24) Christians are to sing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16), pray (James 1:506; 5:13-16; Hebrews 4:16; I Thess. 5:17-`8), give (Luke 6:38; ICor. 16:1-2; II Cor. 8:1-5, 9:-6-9), Observe the Lord's Supper (Matt. 26:26-29, Acts 20:7; ICor. 11:23-29), preach/teach (Acts 20:7; I Cor. 1:21; Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 2:14-10, 42, 46). Nowhere does the Bible remotely suggest the religious celebration of the birth of Christ, and had God intended such, He would have made known the date and what to do in worship on that day. (2Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:3)
I am personally appreciative that there is a day ovserved by Americans as "Independence Day" and another as "Thanksgiving." There is something wholesome and beneficial about these customs. There is nothing unscriptural about having turkey on Thanksgiving. The fact that it is NON-scriptural does not make it UN-scriptural. There is a distinct difference in ebing NON-scriptural and UN-scriptural. Church buildings (meetinghouses), baptistries, song books, etc. are NON-scriptural, but not UN-scriptural.
Much of the custom of "Christmas" is non-scriptural. Anything connected with it that even borders on un-scripturalness should be eliminated! Whatever is non-scriptural, but not un-scriptural falls in the class of Romans 14:13-23 & I Cor. 8. Giving gifts, decorating a tree, putting on a red suit and cotton whiskers, giving parties, using bright lights and leave of holly, Non-religious Christmas cards and song, and visiting relative are a welcome release from the tensions of daily stress and improves human relations. The custom in itself serves a good purpose. We respect the opinions of other who differ on the subject, but will not be bound by them.
We should be a Christian's attitude toward Christmas? We should attach no religious significance to this holiday season! We must teach our children that all religious traditions of Christmas are FALSE! Using Christmas as a national holiday to exchange gifts and visit with family and friends is NOT wrong. It is an opportunity to strengthen family ties, teach unselfishness and promote cheer and goodwill as can be done on the other occasions such as birthdays, etc. Finally, it is proof of the divinity of Christ to find Him so popular over 2000 years after his birth that the civilized world wants to celebrate His birth, whether it knows the date or not. Thank God for our Lord and His coming into the world by virgin birth. We shall continue teaching His Truth, regardless of "Christmas."
But....December 25 is NOT the birthday of Jesus; never has been never will be!
Written by Edgar C. Beard
Our preacher....
I'm SURE this will stir up alot but I would still like to hear your comments. Those of you who DO celebrate Christmas as Jesus' birthday have you just done it because everyone else does or have you actually researched it for yourself?
I will tell you my opinion on Saturday night!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Jesus is the reason for the season. Always has been and always will be!
Anonymous- Can you give scripture where it says Jesus was born on Dec 25? And that it says we are supposed to celebrate Christmas as Jesus' birth?
I just would like to really understand both sides of this:) Thanks!
Can you give me a scripture where it says to NOT celebrate the Jesus' birth as December 25th? Just as you and I, we have a birthday. Yes, we celebrate our birthdays on specific days. Why can't we celebrate Jesus' birth on a special day? In fact I thank the Lord daily for sending His son as our gift. I love the fact that there is a whole season dedicated to our Savior. A season where people believe in miracles and where people who have lost hope can turn and find it in the Lord's birth. It's a chance for people to learn about God and His son and hopefully form a relationship with Him. Christmas is a special season because it IS Jesus' birth. It's a time for people to renew and refocus their faith. No, it's not stated in the bible that December 25th is the exact birthday for Jesus' birth. I'm an imperfect Christian and I fall daily. I just, honestly, sometimes need a season to remind me of the most special gift God has ever given me and that's His son.
Your right it doesn't say NOT TO or TO celebrate Jesus' birthday. And this is where we will just have to differ....I believe we are to be silent where the Bible is silent. I believe we shouldn't add to anything (hence why I don't think we should have musical intruments in worship. The early church didn't have it so I will do the same. God says to make melody in your heart.). Please I am not trying to judge you for your beliefs, I am just giving you another side of it. And I enjoy reading and trying to understand your beliefs.
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