Can I just say that it is AWESOME that we live within 5 miles of each of our parents?? Friday Graham wanted to go hear a band downtown so we just let Addie spend the night with my parents. So easy, packed a bag in like half a second and ran her down there! It's SO NICE! That is the MAIN reason we are having a hard time looking to move into a bigger house. The bigger houses here are just too expensive so we would need to move about 20 minutes away to get what we want.
Anyways, so Graham and I went downtown to hear this guy sing. He was REALLY good, but he didn't start playing till 10:30! That is past my bedtime. We still had a good time hanging out together!
When we came home about 2:15 (am, yes it was LATE!!) it was just starting to snow. The weather guys said it would lay but they say that alot and we get NOTHING. So we try and not get our hopes up.....................BUT when I woke up at 7:30 Saturday morning it was all white!! PERFECT AND WHITE! Ofcourse I jumped out of bed, got ready and went to get Addie from mom's, thinking she would be so excited about playing in the snow. WRONG!
I hurried because I knew the snow would melt soon. This was one morning that I could have slept till 11 or 12 even BUT no I got up and went to get my sweet little girl. My sweet little girl that did this when we took her to see the snow
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