1. I have started 4 posts in the last 2 days and just can't seem to finish them.
2. Although, I do atleast 1 load of laundry every day, my laundry room is filled to the top..........it's filled with clean clothes because I have this HORRIBLE habit of not folding and putting up when they get done. Poor Graham has to sort through 5 baskets to find clothes for work. My goal today is to put it all up.
3. Addie spent the night with Graham's parents Friday night, we all went to the LV parade on Saturday, then Graham and I took her to my parents for Saturday night. We had a WHOLE weekend alone and we were asleep both nights by 10:30! Wow how your life changes when you have a kido :)
4. Josh (Ellie's dad), Ellie, Addie and I all searched for over 20 minutes yesterday for Ellie's shoe.............I am STILL looking for it! She is a pretty good hider!
5. Graham's last day of work is Friday, and then he will be off for 2 weeks. I hope we don't kill each other :o (JK ofcourse)
6. I am making a pot roast with carrots, mashed potatoes, homemade bread, sweet tea and an apple cake for dinner tonight (to make up for Graham having to search for clothes to wear :)
7. I went grocery shopping last night.......I saved $120!! And I spend just under $200 and got about 3 weeks worth of food! I was so proud when I got home..........Graham didn't say good job or anything..........he was mad because I bought the wrong kind of peanuts! You see what I live with???ARG!!!
8. I have to mail Christmas cards today.
9. I think I like this random post stuff :)
10. I am TRYING to find a new phone but really having a hard time spending $100 on a phone! Plus the whole $30 a month data thing (which we already pay for Graham's Iphone HE HAD TO HAVE). I think when you have been a customer for more than 10 years they should give you a phone for free!!
11. I guess I should get off here and make the girls something for breakfast, Addie should be up soon :)
Have a great day!!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
These kinds of posts are so much easier and quicker!
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