I was doing so good with blogging and then, Graham got off for 2 weeks, Christmas happened, we are still waiting on more Christmas and New Year's! I'll get back on track I promise.
Let's see, last Sunday we started our Christmas with lunch and Chinese gift exchange with the Hines'. Then we came home, took a nap to prepare ourselves for a night of crazy girls! I invited all of my cousins to come spend the night and make cookies together. I had 6 girls, plus me, graham and Addie in my small 1475 square foot house! WAYYYYY TOO SMALL for that many girls :) It was a blast though. We started making cookies Sunday night and baked for awhile, then they decided they wanted to dress up in my clothes and shoes so we had a fashion show. Addie was more than thrilled to have all these girls to play with. They even dressed her up too :) After pulling out my 25 formal dresses and all of them trying them on we made Graham film while they did their fashion show! Here are all the girls dressed up, aren't they beautiful! I tell you these girls really are beautiful inside and out. I love being about to watch them grow into young women. They are so pure and perfect, I'm sure God is pleased with this bunch :)

So let me explain this last picture....Last Valentine's day mom got Addie a pink and white dog, that Addie named "Pink" and hasn't let go of yet (except for the maybe 3 times we HAD to wash her, in which she screamed the entire time). Shortly after Pink arrived Addie got attached to this blanket, so Pink and blanket Go with us EVERYWHERE! Well, at the beginning of December, "Dolph" (Rudolph) joined the gang (thanks to mom), and when we went to see Santa "Pipkin" also joined (thanks again mom). Finally, a pink and white bear joined to clan 2 Sunday's ago (thanks to Mee-Mee). So now we take, Pink, Blanket, Dolph, Pipkin, and the new no named one whereever we go.
UPDATE: we actually got her to stop taking all of these out of the house. So we only take Pink places. But you better believe that when she brings you a book to read her, she HAS to get all of her friends and bring them to your chair to read also! And we CAN NOT go to bed without all of them!
I will post more on my Christmas week later! Have a nice day :)
That's so funny about Addie. Dalyn did the same thing. He was only allowed to two "friends" to sleep with. He would cram as many toys, stuffed animals, etc under his covers as he could and then pull the covers up to his chin. Kids are hilarious!
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